Participants and facilitators, together with Asst. Prof. Edgardo A. Gonzales, director of the SPRINT Centers take a group photo before the topic discussion.
by AC Battung
The Sugar Palm Research, Information, and Trade (SPRINT) Center through its extension project - Improving and Revitalizing the Opportunities for Kaong Farmers (IROK) towards a Better Quality of Life, conducted an "Orientation Seminar on Sugar Palm Economic and Ecological Potentials to Agriculture Students" on December 4, 2024, at the SPRINT Center Training Hall, Cavite State University, Don Severino de las Alas Campus, Indang, Cavite.
Seventy (70) students from the Department of Crop Science and Department of Agricultural Entrepreneurship, College of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Natural Resources participated in the activity.
Participants were welcomed by Asst. Prof. Edgardo A. Gonzales, Director of the SPRINT Center. He reiterated the significance of acquainting students in the role of the SPRINT Center and spreading awareness on the potential of the sugar palm. He also told them to open their minds to new ideas, particularly on the many benefits of the sugar palm in the economy, society, and environmental sustainability.
Meanwhile, Mr. Alfie Carl A. Battung, office personnel of the SPRINT Center, and project staff of Project IROK facilitated the topic discussion proper. A pretest was administered to assess participants' awareness of the sugar palm and the SPRINT Center. It was followed by the presentation "Introduction to the SPRINT Center and the Ecological and Economical Benefits of the Sugar Palm." Participants' questions and clarifications were answered after the discussion which was followed by a post-test.

Asst. Prof. Edgardo A. Gonzales, director of the SPRINT Center takes a photo with some students who gave insights during the open forum.
Students gave significant insights during the open forum, highlighting how the benefits of the sugar palm can be widened through the conduct of more research. Moreover, the participant with the most improved score was also recognized.
Ending the activity was a closing message delivered by Ms. Karen Krista E. Cajilis, project leader of Project IROK. She thanked the participants' engagement and enthusiasm during the activity and challenged them to use the acquired information to harness the full potential of the sugar palm.