SPRINT Center Director, Prof. Edgardo A. Gonzales together with SPRINT Personnel/Exhibitors and sugar palm stakeholders present during the FutuREs Thinking Week 2024
by AC Battung
The Sugar Palm Research, Information and Trade (SPRINT) Center participated as an exhibitor during the FutuREs Thinking Week 2024 with the theme "Shaping Sustainable Futures: Integrating Foresight and Innovation for a Transformative and Collaborative Research and Development" on September 2-5, 2024 at the International Convention Center, Cavite State University, Indang, Cavite.

SPRINT office personnel as exhibitors during during the FutuREs Thinking Week 2024.
The Center displayed its various products and technologies developed through research conducted by university faculty and students and extended to its partner organizations and adopted communities.
It was also able to provide information on the sugar palm and the center to various stakeholders and visitors during the 4-day event.